Pharmacologic Nuclear Stress Test

Pharmacologic Nuclear Stress Test

This procedure assesses how well blood is flowing to your heart muscle and also how well the walls of your heart are moving and, thus, pumping the blood. Blood vessels of the heart are best studied by watching the changes in blood flow to the heart due to exercise. In the event you may not be able to physically perform a stress test on a treadmill, your doctor may order a chemically induced stress test.


  • Do not eat or drink for 4 hours prior to your study (water is allowed).
  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment.
  • NO caffeine products for 12 hours before your exam. Do not drink decaf products such as coffee, tea (even herbal), cocoa, soft drinks or eat chocolate.
  • Ask your doctor if you should stop taking any medication before the exam. Taking certain medications the day of the exam can alter the results.
  • Bring a list of all medications that you take.
  • Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes.


  • Upon arrival in the department, a nuclear medicine technologist will start an I.V. in your arm.
  • You will then be injected with a radioactive tracer which allows the technologist to obtain images of your heart. After a waiting period, your heart will be imaged. These first images represent the blood flow to your heart at rest and usually take up to 15 minutes on the gamma camera.
  • Next, you will undergo a stress test either by walking on a treadmill or by chemically inducing the stress test if you are unable to physically exert yourself. This decision is made by your doctor.  During this portion of the test, your heart is monitored via an EKG machine and you will be given a second dose of radioactive tracer.
  • After the stress test you will undergo a second set of images called the stress images. This is the final part of the test and requires you to lie under the camera for an additional 10 minutes.
  • The combined steps of this procedure take 1 to 3 hours.

After the procedure

  • After the test you can go home and resume normal activities, assuming you feel well. If you feel dizzy, weak or are having any chest discomfort, contact your doctor immediately.
  • For test results, contact your ordering doctor.


  • Tell the technologist if you are planning to travel out of the country.
  • If you are pregnant or suspect you may be, contact your referring doctor.