Parathyroid Scan

Parathyroid Scan

This exam will allow for the imaging of parathyroid glands. These are small glands located in the neck.


  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment.
  • Bring a list of current medications.


  • This exam has three appointments and takes most of a day to complete.
  • At the initial appointment the nuclear medicine technologist will explain the exam and have you swallow a capsule containing a small amount of radioactive iodine.
  • At the second appointment the technologist will inject a small amount of radioactive material through into a vein and take pictures of your neck and chest with a gamma camera.  The scan will require approximately 1 hour.
  • There will be a 2 hour break and then you will be returning for additional images that could take up to 20 minutes.

After the procedure

  • You must follow up with the ordering doctor.


  • If you are pregnant or suspect you may be, contact your referring doctor.
  • Tell the technologist if you are planning to travel out of the country.