Muga Scan

Muga Scan

This exam shows how much blood the heart is pumping and how well the walls of the heart are contracting.


  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment.


  • An I.V. will be started and a small amount of blood drawn.
  • Your red blood cells with be “tagged” with a radioactive tracer by mixing it with a binding agent. Once the cells are bound to the agent, they are mixed with the radioactive tracer and re-injected into your I.V.
  • A total 20 to 30 minute incubation period is required during which the tagging of the red blood cells occurs.
  • The heart is then imaged under a gamma camera for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Total exam time is up to 90 minutes.

After the procedure

  • You will follow up with your ordering doctor.


  • If you are pregnant or suspect you may be, contact your referring doctor.
  • Tell the technologist if you are planning to travel out of the country.